In case of illness
Webinar links - resources and recordings
New -to-ESS teacher resources (also good for refreshing or updating your skills).
Links to other useful resources
ESS Scholarship
New -to-ESS teacher resources (also good for refreshing or updating your skills).
Links to other useful resources
ESS Scholarship
In case of illness
We will carry on providing online resources and webinars as well as bringing back face-to-face workshops. We have webinars from previous years that are still available, see links above, and new ones will be posted as they are produced and recorded. You will be notiified of new ones via this website, Facebook, and through ESS newsletters.
These webinars will be on:
how Mātauranga Māori can be effectively integrated into school ESS programmes and resources
each of the current L2 and L3 ESS standards. These will target new-to-ESS teachers, although anyone is welcome to join and access them.
the new Level 1 NCEA standards
interesting topics relevant to ESS content, skills and pedagogy.
1on1 help will still be available. Contact your regional representative or Jenny Pollock for longer discussions or if your region doesn't have a regional representative.