Level 1

Taumata 1

Level One resources

For PESS 1.1 and 1.3 resources go here and to our YouTube Channel.

For a range of L1 resources, including ESS ones, go to here: Level One resources

For specifically L1 Astronomy resources go here

For Matariki resources go here

Resources in cultural contexts:

ESSE has started to develop resources in cultural contexts using Te Reo as well as English. We would welcome feedback and the chance to look at student's work. Please email Jenny at jenny@earthspacescience.org.nz or contact your local regional representative. 

Navigating by the Sun:
A task has been written in the Te whakaterenga a te iwi Poronihia me te iwi Māori,  Polynesian and Māori navigation context.  This task can be used for 90954 and 90955 or both. The title of the task is 'Te Whakatere i te Ra puta noa i te moana', 'Navigating by the Sun across the ocean'. 

This task can be found at this link: Navigating by the Sun GW link or Navigating by the Sun - this old link still works if you already have it.