Level 2
Taumata 2
Level 2 resources
Old NZQA Level 2 exams can be found here:
91191 Extreme Events 91192 Stars and Planets 91193 Physical Principles
All Level 2 resources can be found here.
91192 Stars and Planetary Systems
If you have good resources that you are happy to share please send to jenny@earthspacescience.org.nz and she will put them into the relevant folders in the ESS resources.
Resources in cultural contexts:
ESSE has started to develop resources in cultural contexts using Te Reo as well as English. We would welcome feedback and even the chance to look at student's work. Please email Jenny at jenny@earthspacescience.org.nz or contact your local regional representative.
Geological Processes:
A task has been written on 'Me pēhea nga tukanga ānuku e whakarite ai te maunga o Ngāuruhoe', ‘How geological processes have formed Mount Ngāuruhoe’. You will find it at this link Geological Processes Ngāuruhoe.