Earth and Space Science Educators of New Zealand ESSENZ Incorporated

  Ngā Kaiwhakaako Pūtaiao ā-Papa, ā-Rangi  o Aotearoa Manatōpū

Credit: Ian Griffin/Otago Museum 

Welcome to the ESSENZ website
Nau mai, haere mai ki te pae tukutuku a Ngā Kaiwhakaako Pūtaiao ā-Papa, ā-Rangi o Aotearoa

Earth and Space Science Educators of New Zealand Incorporated (ESSENZ) is the national subject association supporting and promoting Earth and Space Science (ESS) education, for all NZC year levels. Our aim is to make sure that ESS is well resourced, now and in the future, and that help is available throughout New Zealand.

Mere Manning is the President of ESSENZ and the contact details for Mere and the rest of the ESSENZ executive committee members, plus our regional representatives, can be found here.

A group of experienced ESS teachers worked hard last year and over the holidays on creating SLOs and PLD opportunities plus resources for the two new NCEA Level One PESS standards 92044 (PESS 1.1) - Human Induced Change and 92046 (PESS 1.3) - Sun, Earth, Moon system. This includes webinars explaining key content and skills. Links to all the resources for these two standards can be found here plus the PLD timetable: L1 PESS . Also, webinars on this mahi  can be found  here  ESS webinars.
See below for the links to the help that ESSENZ provides and the webinars that we have recorded and posted on a range of topics

We would like all ESS teachers (no matter how few or many ESS standards you teach) to become members of ESSENZ. Please fill in the form at this link: membership form 2024.

For all inquires please contact us at         

Photo Anaton Rottpeter

PESS standards 1.1 and 1.3: SLOs, course outlines, resources, webinars,  and PLD opportunities for these new standards can be found here: L1 PESS

ESS Scholarship resources:
Here is the link for ESS Scol resources and tutorial times. 

Resources for new-to-ESS teachers or those needing to refresh or update their skills can be found here.

ESSENZ help is available here and the executive committee and regional representative contacts are here.

Webinar programme here and links to the webinar recordings and resources look here or here or on our YouTube channel

Go to notices for up-to-date news. Current are: 

1. Download or save Safety and Science/Pūtaiao: Guidance for New Zealand Schools and Kura  - an updated 185 page safety manual

L2 and L3 exams

These have been made available to  ESSENZ members only. To become an ESSENZ member go to this link here and fill out the membership form - currently being updated

Ocean acidification (OA) resources for L3 and Scholarship students, including a talk by Kim Currie: These can be found at:
Scholarship OA

Photo Ian Griffin - Otago Museum

To become an ESSENZ member go to this link here and fill out the membership form - currently being updated.